We’ve spent the last few days lazing in the the sun in the San Juan Islands after returning from Prince William Sound. Yesterday we anchored in Reid Harbor on Stuart Island. Jose Sousa, who had been following our trip online, stopped by to say hello. His 1999 Lord Nelson Victory Tug 41 Carolina is so well-maintained it looks better than new. Interestingly, his boat was built by South Coast Marine–the same yard that built Dirona. Jose recognized much of the hardware on our boat from the Lord Nelson.
We’re now anchored in Roche Harbor, with Nordhavn 62 Gray Matter tied alongside. Christine Guo and Mark Mohler took ownership two weeks ago and are enroute to Sidney, B.C. through the San Juans. We met them in Reid Harbor and decided to raft up for the night.
We all headed in to the pub at Roche Harbor Resort for lunch. The docks were incredibly busy–even the dinghy dock space is packed. We’ve not been there for a few years–the place has changed quite a bit, with new construction up the hill behind the the resort.
After, we toured English Camp, established over the “Pig War” after Britain and the United States nearly went to war in 1859.
And now we’re settled in for a relaxing evening.
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