Langley, WA

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Langley is a compact, restaurant-filled town perched on the cliffs above Saratoga Passage on Whidbey Island north of Seattle. We had visited by boat many times, but not for over a decade. We returned this year for a weekend in the Inn at Langley’s spectacular Saratoga Suite, with its large deck overlooking the water (pictured above).

In addition to several great meals at the local restaurants, we also tried rucking for the first time at a local county park. Rucking is walking carrying a weighted backpack, with the goal of improving strength and cardiovascular capacity in a low-impact way. For us, it’s a way of getting a lot more exercise in a 75-minute walk.

Below are highlights from May 17th through 19th, 2024. Click any image for a larger view, or click the position to view the location on a map. And a map with our most recent log entries always is available at

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Ferry Kitsap

Our Honda Passport secured with a chock on the ramp of the ferry Kitsap that we’re taking from Mukilteo to Clinton on Whidbey Island.
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Departing Mukilteo

The ferry Kitsap departing the new terminal at Mukilteo.
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Whidbey Island

The crossing to Whidbey Island is only 20 minutes from Mukilteo and it seemed like we’d barely gotten underway when we were arriving already.
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Saratoga Suite

The spectacular Saratoga Suite at the Inn at Langley is the first place we’ve found that comes even close to the Shelter:One, the fabulous house we rented near Joshua Tree National Park.
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Village Pizzeria

We had a delicious pizza over a bottle of wine with a view to Saratoga Pass at Village Pizzeria in Langley.
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Langley Harbor

After dinner at Village Pizzeria, we walked south along the waterfront bluffs and caught site of Nordhavn 40 Truly moored at diminutive Langley Harbor.
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Spyhop Public House

Spyhop Public House in Langley is a great neighbourhood pub. We stopped in for a quick drink on our way back to our hotel.
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Sculpture Garden

The Rob Schouten Gallery Sculpture Garden showcases some of Whidbey Island’s finest sculptures. It’s a real gem. In the foreground is Bowed Raven in bronze by Georgia Gerber.
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A gorgeous sunset overlooking Saratoga Passage, viewed from the deck of our room at the Inn at Langley.
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Bundled up to enjoy breakfast outside on the deck of our Langley hotel room, with a view to Saratoga Passage.
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N40 Truly in Saratoga Passage

Nordhavn 50 Truly, that we saw last night in Langley Harbor, northbound in Saratoga Passage.
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Putney Woods County Park

An afternoon hike in Putney Woods County Park near Langley. This hike is a little different in that we are trying “rucking”, which is walking carrying a weighted backpack. James is carrying 23.8 pounds (10.8kg) in bottles of water and Jennifer is carrying 17 lbs (7.7kg). The idea is to improve strength and cardiovascular capacity in a low-impact way. We quite enjoyed the hike and are looking forward to trying rucking again.
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Prima Bistro

A delicious dinner on the deck at Primo Bistro in Langley overlooking Saratoga Pass.
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Ott and Hunter Wines

A live jazz band playing to an appreciate crowd at Ott and Hunter Wines, where we stopped for an after-dinner glass of wine.
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Another beautiful sunset, viewed from the deck of our room at the Inn at Langley.
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Low Tide

A final view to Saratoga Passage, this time at low tide, from our room at the Inn at Langley.
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Ferry Kitsap

Back on the ferry Kitsap to return to Seattle from Whidbey Island. We had a fabulous weekend in Langley and definitely will return.
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Peace of Mind Brewing, Lynnwood

Exceptional tacos and delicious brews on the patio at Peace of Mind Brewing in Lynnwood on our drive back to Seattle from our weekend in Langley.

Our routes through Langley are shown on the interactive map below. Click here for a full-page map.

Show locations on map Click the travel log icon on the left to see these locations on a map. And a map of our most recent log entries always is available at


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